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THOR Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy Treatment

Laser therapy also called “cold laser” or Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a technology, which has been proven to be remarkably safe, painless and effective in treating both acute injuries and chronic pain of various kinds. It has been shown to be an extremely useful addition to our treatment at our Chiropractic Centers.

It has been particularly helpful in stubborn, persistent, and “difficult-to-treat” conditions, including chronic back pain and neck pain, arthritis, and other joint and muscle pains.

The laser gives us the ability to provide you with an improved level of safe, non-invasive, drug free pain relief and accelerated healing of injuries. The treatment involves the application of red and near infra-red light over injuries. Laser and LED beams of light are used to stimulate the cells in the body that repair tissue, reduce inflammation and reduce pain. It is a highly effective treatment for acute soft tissue injuries, chronic pain syndromes and slow healing wounds.

Therapeutic Benefits of Laser Therapy

Anti-inflammatory Action: Laser light reduces swelling, leading to decreased pain, less stiffness, and a faster return to normal joint and muscle function.

1. Rapid Cell repair: Laser light accelerates cellular reproduction and healing.
2. Faster Wound Healing: Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
3. Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation: Laser light reduces formation of scar tissue, leading to more complete healing, with less chance of weakness and re-injury later.
4. Increased Vascular Activity: Laser light increases blood flow to the injured area.
5. Stimulated Nerve Function: Laser light speeds nerve cell processes, which may decrease pain and numbness associated with nerve-related conditions.

dr. olivia doing laser therapy on a patient

Conditions Treated Using Laser Therapy

1. Acute soft tissue injuries e.g. sprains/strains
2. Back and neck pain
3. Osteoarthritis
4. Chronic pain syndromes e.g. RSI, frozen shoulder, chronic low back pain
5. Fractures and non-union fractures
6. Nerve pain (Neuropathic pain) e.g. from disc injuries
7. Ulcers e.g. diabetic ulcers
8. Post operative care: Post operative pain, tendon repair, post mastectomy lymphoedema, infected wounds
9. Burns

Safety of Low Intensity Laser Therapy

Low level laser therapy is not harmful.

Lasers used for tissue stimulation have insufficient strength to damage cells.

Thirty years of clinical studies and clinical use have shown only mild, occasional adverse effects.

There are normally no adverse effects from LLLT, however you may occasionally experience mild ache after treatment.

This is due to a re-stimulation of the inflammatory phase and should settle down after 24 – 48 hours.

Frequency of Treatments

While some patients get immediate results, others require 6-10 treatments before seeing a lasting effect.

Less severe or acute injuries will require fewer treatments than chronic or severe conditions.

The treatment frequency recommendation is 1-2 times / week for 2-4 weeks, then 1 time / week for 2-6 weeks. This clearly will vary from one person to the next depending on the type of injury, the length of time it has been present and how well you heal.

In summary

The use of a laser will help your injury heal quicker, it will reduce the pain and get you back to normal activities faster. You can achieve this without any of the side-effects that you often get from taking painkillers.

The Advantages Of Low Intensity Laser Therapy is:

1. It is safe
2. Non-invasive
3. Non-toxic
4. Easily applied
5. Highly effective